[ANN] Altsoft releases new HotFolder edition of Xml2PDF formatter

Written by Altsoft Xml2PDF

Xml2PDF HotFolder version 0.9 beta November 3, 2004 Altsoft N.V.

Altsoft N.V. announcesrepparttar beta release ofrepparttar 126391 new HotFolder edition of its Xml2PDF formatting engine.

Xml2PDF Hotfolder is either a server or a client side application for automatic convertion of XSL-FO, SVG, XSLT and XHTML to PDF. It traces all incomming XSL-FO / SVG / XHTML / XML files torepparttar 126392 specified folder (named "hot folder") and converts them to PDF. It also provides a user-firendly log interface for all error and warning messages.


Written by Rolf Gompertz

I became a self-publisher in 1974, when I startedrepparttar Word Doctor Publications. In 2001, I turned to Print-on-Demand (POD) Publishing, better named POD Partnership Publishing.

I have now published four books this way, through iUniverse.com. I am glad I did so and pleased withrepparttar 126390 results.

These books include my new biblical novel, "Abraham, The Dreamer - An Erotic and Sacred Love Story," new editions of two self-published books,repparttar 126391 retitled, "A Jewish Novel About Jesus," a spiritual self-help book, "Sparks of Spirit - How to Find Love and Meaning in Your Life 24 Hours a Day," and a contemporary comedy-drama (screenplay), "The Messiah of Midtown Park."

Why did I switch from independent- or self-publishing to partnership publishing? I have three reasons: occupational preference, economics, and longevity (book survival).

After 40 years of working for a living, I was free finally to choose what I wanted to do full-time and how I wanted to do it.

OCCUPATIONAL PREFERENCE: While I find everything about books fascinating, I realized that I truly prefer writing to publishing. I'm a writer. That's my passion. I decided to concentrate on writing.

ECONOMICS: The best thing about self-publishing is that it givesrepparttar 126392 author total control. Butrepparttar 126393 economics of self- publishing are something else again. They are not as glowing as they often sound or as rosy as they are often painted. There is a great economic squeeze play that cuts deeply into profits. Take a book that sells for $14.95, for instance. A distributor or wholesaler requires a 50 percent discount, and more. That leaves you with $7.50 (rounded off). The printing cost can be anywhere from $2 to $3 a book. That leaves you with $4.50 a book. Out of this you may have to pay shipping costs (media rate is $1.42, for one pound or less, USPS). Then there are publicity, promotion and marketing expenses. You may even have to accept returns of books that didn't sell, for credit or refund. It takes skill to operate a profitable business. I preferredrepparttar 126394 challenges of writing torepparttar 126395 challenges of business.

LONGEVITY: This is a very personal, subjective matter, an "author-thing." Writing, at its deepest level, has to do with making a statement about life, asserting one's identity, seeking immortality. Commercial publishing is aboutrepparttar 126396 bottom line: Canrepparttar 126397 book make money, preferably big money? If not, it does not get published. If it does get published, it is given three to nine months to succeed. Ifrepparttar 126398 book does not make it within that time period, its life is over.

Self-publishing, onrepparttar 126399 other hand, allows for a book's nurturing and longer lifespan . But when a company changes hands or goes out of business, a book's life may end.

That is where Print-on-Demand Partnership Publishing provides an ideal answer. The new digital technology eliminatesrepparttar 126400 need for costly inventory. A 300-page book can be printed, cover and all, in less than 30 seconds.

POD printing/publishing allows books to be kept alive virtually "forever." -It allows books to be discovered and rediscovered. -It allows one or many copies to be printed instantly, on demand. -It allows ongoing profits to be made, by all concerned. -It allows authors to take control ofrepparttar 126401 writing and marketing of their books, whilerepparttar 126402 publisher providesrepparttar 126403 technical support and services -including printing, online bookstores, author websites, listings, order fulfillment, sales- and royalty- reports, and various forms of author support.

Years ago, vanity publishers existed to publishrepparttar 126404 works of amateur writers at a high cost, paid for byrepparttar 126405 writer. Few of their books were actually printed and even fewer sold. These books had little if any value and were generally shunned.

Some refer to today's POD publishing as vanity publishing, or, more politely, as subsidy publishing. True,repparttar 126406 decision to publish lies withrepparttar 126407 author, notrepparttar 126408 publisher. It involves a nominal fee, which means that anyone can get a book published, including amateur writers.

However, POD publishing attracts a great many professional writers, with excellent track records. POD-published books get picked up by commercial publishers. POD books also generate significant media attention.

Whenrepparttar 126409 self-publishing movement began inrepparttar 126410 1960s and 1970s, self-publishers were often stigmatized as vanity publishers. Today, self-publishing is a major, economic force. Estimates vary as torepparttar 126411 actual number of independent publishers, from 25,000 and up, and from one-title firms to firms with 2,500 titles in print.

Why would professional writers gorepparttar 126412 route of Print-on-Demand Partnership Publishing? There are several reasons: their book may have been turned down by their own commercial publisher; they may not have been able to find an agent or commercial publisher; or they may not have wanted to waitrepparttar 126413 nearly two years it takes to get a book published by a commercial publisher, when they could get it published within two or three months through a POD publisher. (My third POD book was in print within three weeks, fromrepparttar 126414 time of submission!)

Here are some examples, for instance, of professional writers who have been published through iUniverse:

RIANE EISLER - whose non-fiction book, "The Chalice andrepparttar 126415 Blade" sold 600,000 copies world-wide - published "The Gate" through iUniverse, a fictionalized, dramatic new memoir of her years growing up in pre-Castro Cuba after a narrow escape fromrepparttar 126416 Holocaust in Nazi Europe.

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